Adaptive Link Element for Next.js

Here's how to create an anchor/link component that can be used for both relative Next.js pages and external links

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Say that you're creating a custom anchor component/element on Next.js which handles both relative navigation and opening external links. To navigate between relative pages, you use the <Link /> component (read more on Next.js docs) and wrap an anchor element which will navigate and rehydrate client-side without reloading the page:

// Link must wrap an anchor element, href will be passed to anchor if using `passHref`
<Link href="/about" passHref>
  <a>About page</a>

// ...or you can manually pass it depending on your use case
<Link href="/about">
  <a href="/about">About page</a>

If you want to open an external page in a new tab, normally you would use a normal anchor with target="_blank" attribute (read more on MDN):

<a href="/about" target="_blank">
  About page

But with the <Link /> component, if you're attempting to open an external link, the router will attempt to navigate and it'll confuse itself and just open the link as a normal anchor element (reloads the page):

  <a>Example external link</a>

Wrap Check

The quick solution for the custom component is to check href if it's a relative page, return a wrapped anchor with the <Link /> component, and if anything else, return a regular anchor with target="_blank":

function CustomLink(props) {
  const isRelative = props.href?.startsWith("/") ?? false;

  if (isRelative) {
    return (
      // we do not need to `passHref` since href is already spread below
      <Link href={props.href}>
        <a {...props} />

  // adding target="_blank" will open the link in a new tab
  return (

This approach is simple and easy to understand, one small caveat is that you need to pass the anchor props twice if you're trying to have the same properties:

function CustomLink(props) {
  const isRelative = props.href?.startsWith("/") ?? false;

  if (isRelative) {
    return (
      <Link href={props.href}>
        <a {...props} />

  return (

Wrapper Check

Another approach is to wrap the anchor element with <React.Fragment /> if it's a external anchor. This approach allows you to wrap and declare the anchor only once:

function CustomLink(props) {
  const isRelative = props.href?.startsWith("/") ?? false;
  const Wrap = isRelative ? Link : React.Fragment;

  // if it's a relative link, we need to pass href so it can navigate client-side
  const wrapProps = isRelative ? { href: props.href } : {};

  // if it's an external link, passing the target="_blank" prop will open externally
  const linkProps = !isRelative ? { target: "_blank" } : {};

  return (
    <Wrap {...wrapProps}>
      {/* since we're handling both cases, we need to spread both normal props and external props */}

This approach is definitely verbose compared to the first approach, but in some cases this will allow customizations for various edge cases.

Going Overboard

Here's my adaptive anchor implementation for my website using TypeScript:

import Link from "next/link";
import type { ComponentProps, ComponentType } from "react";
import { forwardRef, Fragment } from "react";

export type AnchorProps = ComponentProps<"a"> & {
  external?: boolean;

export const Anchor = forwardRef<HTMLAnchorElement, AnchorProps>(function Anchor(
  { children, external, href = "", },
) {
  const isApi = href.startsWith("/api");
  const isHash = href.startsWith("#");
  const isRelative = href.startsWith("/");
  const isExternal = typeof external === "boolean" ? external : isApi || (!isHash && !isRelative);

  const Wrap = (isExternal ? Fragment : Link) as ComponentType<any>;
  const wrapProps = isExternal ? {} : { href };
  const linkProps = isExternal ? { target: "_blank" } : {};

  return (
    <Wrap {...wrapProps}>
        {children ?? (href ? trimHttp(href) : null)}

// same as above but without typed props, useful for passing on mdx component list
export function AnchorCompat(props) {
  return <Anchor {...props} />;

function trimHttp(str: string) {
  return str.replace(/https?:\/\//, "");

This approach handles these cases that I can think of:

  • External links and API links will open in a new tab
  • Relative links keeps the same behavior using Next.js <Link /> component
  • Empty children will render the href with trimmed protocol (no http or https)

Some edge cases that I did not handle is passing extra props to the <Link /> component (e.g. if you need to do shallow navigation using shallow props), but for basic routing, this custom anchor component can be used anywhere without needing to wrap relative links with <Link /> again.